Thursday, August 26, 2010
I Just Don't Understand People (A BITCH BLOG)
I really don't understand how some folks say one thing and then do something completely opposite. I mean as humans, we have every right to be indecisive and surely change our minds. Further, every organism in existence is in a constant state of flux (constantly moving).
But with all of that in mind, if you are constantly standing for nothing, contradicting yourself and always inconsistent, it not only makes you unreliable and untrustworthy, it makes you for lack of a better word a coward.
Sure I've taken the easy route out but at the end of the day I had to live with my decision. But sadly there are some people in the above situation that have not only the audacity to brush their actions under the rub but they simply refuse (and often get upset) when their decision or action that has affected others has made someone irate.
Anyway I won't go on but as a people, we need to get it together. We need to make choices that not only better ourselves but those around us even if they may not see it that way at first. (Tough love being the best course of action) This is especially so in the event that it may be the hardest choice you have to make. Someone always has to do that every now again i.e. destroy a city to save a planet. I know that is far-fetch but someone in history had to.
On that note: MAN UP!!!
Til Later....
Monday, August 16, 2010
And the moral of the story is....
And so she did...
One day while in high school, she still felt the need to rebel and not conform to the usual, drugs, sex, overachieving/underachieving or activity that the other teens were engaged in...but just to exist happily.
Then one day she met a boy who said he loved her and although she managed not to give in to his desires for a while, she did shortly before her 20th birthday. But it made her feel heavy and empty still. And in turn, he felt the coldness upon them both.
But then one day she met a girl and she felt complete, she met friends like herself, happy, expressive and clever. But most importatnly, they were free... They, like her were unafraid to be themselves. Seeking equality and being out felt good. She was alive once more.
But the of the rest world and loved ones she knew told her that she was weird and trying to be something she was not. They told her that the music she listened to, the clothes she wore and the orientation she yearned for was wrong. They told her to be "normal" and to be what they deemed her to be.
And so she did...
She felt lost, drunken, confused, crazed, enraged... yet her void that had since left loomed greatly over her head once more and then it happened... she lost herself... shortly thereafter depression set in, pills and razors nearly set her free but it was later she would be saved... or would she...?
She met another boy, and he gave her the greatest mistake of her life. A child. It was a miracle and a gift. Nothing joyed her more than that tiny, perfect person. Someone who she bore unto the world who she would raise to be unafraid, free-spirited and gifted like she had been. But it would be nearly impossible to harness that yet reclaim the freedom she had once lost but she would die trying. Her new mission was to protect this treasure at all costs... The vicious cycle needed to be destroyed for her daughter's sake.
Never let go and lose yourself...even to the ones you love. And never allow someone to hinder doing what makes you happy (or successful to you) because they can't do it themselves...
To be continued...